Work Completed on Lansdowne Park
The redevelopment of Lansdowne Park was a major project for the City of Ottawa. Here D&G Landscaping acted as general contractor for the Urban Park portion of the site, which constitutes everything east of the stadium, including:
- Great Porch, which includes the areas south and east of the Aberdeen Pavilion
- Orchard and Civic Garden, just east of the new location of the Horticulture Building
- Skating Court/Basketball Court and Children’s Garden
- Great Lawn, including the water plaza and Art Beacon, now titled “Moving Surfaces”
- Aberdeen Square, which now hosts the Ottawa Farmers’ Market
- The berms south of the stadium and just east of the stadium
Under D&G Landscaping’s management, site servicing was installed, excavation and backfilling for the area was completed, electrical and irrigation services were installed, concrete curbs and sidewalks were poured and asphalt roads and pathways paved, large quantities of soil cells were installed for tree root development below sidewalks and interlock areas, a custom granite-clad art beacon with water feature was designed and built, cast-in-place concrete planters, skating rink slab, wood- and granite-clad benches were placed, a skateboard park, play structures, site furniture, and site lighting were installed, granite and precast concrete pavers were laid, and extensive sodding and planting was completed, all within the City’s schedule despite immense time and space constraints. D&G Landscaping is exceptionally proud of our role in this prestigious project, and ecstatic at Ottawa’s enthusiastic reception of the redeveloped Lansdowne Park.